Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Day 8 Golden Gate & Muir Beach

POP QUIZ: Why do they call it the Golden Gate bridge when the bridge is clearly red??

The stretch of water the bridge sits on is actually called the Golden Gate Strait. The strait, bordering San Francisco Bay and the Pacific ocean was named by the soldier and explorer, John C. Fermont in 1846. This opening of water reminded him of the Golden Horn of the Bosporus in Constaniople, now Istanbul and he named the strait after that thinking it also doubles as the "golden gate to trade with the orient." Furthermore, The Golden Gate, at the time of conception in 1916, instead of being painted the conventional metal bridge colours of grey and black, was originally going to be painted in stripes. They wanted to ensure it could be seen safely by ships in the fog and airplanes from above. First they thought black and yellow, then red and white. However, when the material arrived from China, it was painted in this burnt, red-orange primer to protect it from the corrosive elements of the trip. It wasn't meant to be permanent but the architect liked how it contrasted with the greens and blues of the landscape and since it was also easily seen from the water and the sky, it stuck! A colour change story for the ages, I like it.

Next we headed off to the Mirror Woods National Monument to see the Redwood trees. When we arrived we realized you can't park without making a reservation. We made no reservations. Our only option was to park 2 miles at the bottom of a very steep giant hill and walk up. We did not do that. Instead we explored Muir beach instead, pretty nice!

Muir Beach Overlook

Pretty tired and hungry we decided on Joe's Taco Lounge a short drive away.

The most economical meal thus far. $8.95 USD for a giant fish burrito or two fish beer battered tacos. Both were amazing. Of interesting to note was the tacky decor, floral print table cloths from maybe the 70s?

Jesus pictures all over and these hot sauce bottles lined the whole room! Very Mexican I love it.

Our drive back to our room.

Pastries our Bnb host dropped off, how sweet! You can always win my heart with snacks..

Finally did some painting, made a dinner, washed some laundry and went for a tiny walk. Pretty exhausted.. 

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