Sunday, April 29, 2018

Day 13 San Francisco Chinatown

Got scared looking for parking, parked the car 8 blocks away so we walked up and down and up and down taking pictures of pretty fire escapes and buildings etc.

Golden Dust

Very steep

Now looking down, the whole city is very hilly!

Got into Chinatown and went to the bakery. The hot dogs in their hot dog buns are bigger.

The bbq pork bun was stranger, I liked it though. The bread fluffier, like french bread and the meat was grounded up more for softer texture.

The egg tarts BIGGER.

The park people hung out at playing cards and chess. A real crowd was out this was on a Sunday!

Neat mural!

I like the lanterns.

The egg tarts were BIG

The map of the place embedded into the ground!

More pretty lanterns.

Weird cauliflower, you can't really tell in the picture but the bunches at the top had tinier clusters that were clumped together and it was more brown looking. We didn't get a chance to try it.

So many fish markets.

Needed a rest, finally found a sit down restaurant on the edge of town. Most places were take out places.

BBQ pork, stir friend beef flat broad noodle, the classics.

On the drive home, we lived on a hill by the yellow SANCTUARY sign, you can see it from here, but teeny tiny.

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