Sunday, August 25, 2019

I'm Exhibiting!

Dear Art Fans,

It's been awhile. We likely have not seen each other in an itty bitty and I just wanted to say, It's not me, it's you! Basically for awhile there I was losing waaaaay too much money with submission fees so I've been refusing art shows left right and centre and saving my resources, working at my day job (a home care nurse!) and concentrating all my other waking hours on a series of large scale paintings. Until now that is, a wonderful little opportunity came up and I'll have some paintings in the AWOL Collective 20th Anniversary Show: It's Not You, It's Me, alongside with some of my favourite artists in the city. For those of you who have been watching me a long time, I exhibited my first solo show (All You Can Eat, photos below to jog your memory) with this collective, so you know tastes will be quite refined and won't be just another boring art show 😎😘

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