Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

Tiger Mom acrylic on canvas 16 x 20 x 1.5 inches 2014

Happy Mother's Day to my own Tiger Mommy (depicted below), see the resemblance!? ; ) Childhood was mostly a whirlwind of piano lessons, Chinese lessons, swimming laps, extra math homework, copying out the dictionary by the time I was 5, the stressful list goes on and on. Regardless, it all did give me more reason to paint and express myself and and her high expectations did make me who I am today. I sold this piece a few months ago, it went to another proud mommy, very fitting indeed.

I also received this little heart warming message a few weeks ago. I've never been to Bangladesh but rest assured I've got a lovely growing following over there. One messaged a few years ago then more and more from his community, since then I've watched them grow up, graduate school, off to university, etc. etc. whilst keeping up with my new paintings online. What an interested little community!

 Anyway, the Bengali Tiger is their national animal so I've produced and sent out a set of postcards for the occasion, should arrive in a couple weeks. I'm not sure they know what is exactly coming to them yet so it should be a fun surprise!

Comes stamped with my signature mouse seal, of course.

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