Thursday, May 16, 2019

Busy As A Beaver

Spent this week's paint binge working away on my beaver here. There just aren't enough hours in a day when you have ideas, and so many of them! They breed and multiply at an alarming rate, often flooding my brain in the day and popping up in my sleep. Honestly, it's quite hard for my physical self to keep up. I thus just have to prioritize. I try to live a balanced life so I don't go insane. I've probably been painting about 2 to 3 hours a day on the days I'm working at my day job and maybe 5 to 8 when I'm not. I take painting breaks, go for walks, check on people in the community, reply to messages, watch an episode of this and that here and there, cook food, pay my bills, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and try to stay human mostly!

Anyway, I just realized maybe you'd enjoy some progress shots of my painting rather than just the aftermath. Right now I'm working on a nocturnal swimmer, a beaver! I should warn you I've already finished all the first coats as of a couple days ago so the painting has progressed and looks quite different already. I'll post some more up to date photos as I go along but this seemed like a pivotal moment in its development. Here I map out the darker tones of the beaver and the facial expression just before I fill it all in. Installing an indoor pool in my animal dream home, this beaver can't help but being his adaptable self and is in the middle of building a dam in the swimming pool! He's thrown all the pool furniture in the water already (oh no!) and cleverly tangling up those water noodles. A thing of pink had to be added, naturally a blow up flamingo. Well I'm excited, are you? Ack! I gotta go to bed now but there's a busy beaver rummaging around in my head that's been keeping me up at night!

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