Sunday, June 29, 2008

Unit 3 579 Gerrard Street East
Friday July 4th 5pm - Saturday July 5th 12am
The time has come for ArtMichael Gallery to
host this year's award show. Be there.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

In the suburbs of Don Mills is a very elegant place
that's holding an art show I'm taking part in.
Attached to it is also a very exquisite little bonsai
garden. And they said culture didn't happen in the

The Handtree is making a very rare appearance
after two years of disappearance in this travelling
art show in a piece titled the Prophecy Concerning
Ye Olde Handtree And The Flock Of The Plastic
Bags. (Click on picture to see details.)

Monday, June 16, 2008

I submitted my I LOVE ICE CREAM painting
into a summer themed show at the Whipper
Snapper Gallery being held by Moist Beaver
Magazine. Check out the magazine's website:

587 A College Street, Toronto
Saturday, June 21st -> Sunday, June 29
Gallery Hours: 1-6pm

The opening is on the 21st, 8pm - midnight.
I won't be able to make it cause I'm going
to a Stagandough in St. Catherines, but I'll
be sure to check it out during the week.
I've never been to a Stagandough, should
be interesting, I'm not even sure if that's
how you spell it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Another month has gone by and aRTmICHAEL gALLERY
is due for another show. Presenting JUNETEENTH
ARTSTRAVAGANZA to celebrate cultural freedom in
North America, the show features an Abraham Lincoln
memorial and activity center.

579 Gerrard Street East Unit 3
Friday, June 13 at 5:00 pm until
Thursday, June 19 at 11:00 pm


Thanks everyone for coming to see The Riverdale Art
Walk. Here's a picture of me drinking a cold drink in my
hot, hot tent. The tent is a lot hotter than it actually