Friday, April 13, 2018

LA Day 3

Been taking a billion photos, I'm a day late here already. I'll update and make a full album later, maybe paste it to my Facebook or something with more personal photos. I wanted to round out my blog a bit with more stuff so here's the snippy, sort of on time version. 

Energy levels dipped on this day, slept in a bit but out by early morning. WINDY DAY. Went for another drive, I love seeing how palm trees sway.

Quick visit to pick up supplies for tomorrow's trip, what could we be up to?? Stay tuned to find out!  This place was like a Sports Check or a cheap MEC.

Did a drive by and had to make an emergency stop!

Sculpture out front caught our eye, these photos are from Nat.

String of food trucks out front across the street.

These were delicious. Like the McDonald's mcchicken but way better. The chicken was juicy, the crunch was crisp (not hard) and the fries came with a spicy kick you could cool down with the garlic mayo. Both crispy pickle and lettuce was delightfully noticeable, yum.

Waiting for my chicken sandwich.

In the museum's park, an Alex Calder. 

Screen actor's guild.

Going hunting at their 24 hour grocery. Fruit taste better here and not so dinged up or dried out by the time it reaches cold Canada.

Took a short painting break in-between afternoon and sundown. I'll make a separate post on this later. Made a dinner and took a walk around the neighbourhood and came across the cute little movie theatre.

Ended the night passed out on the couch watching HEAT : )

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