Thursday, December 13, 2018

HOLIDAY SEASON General update.

Haven't done a general update on here in awhile. Um, things are well! Painting away as per usual. This year I'm sending post cards to those who have bought an original painting from me this year. GET. EXCITED. featuring The BIG Goose, I took these to the printer and designed and cut them myself. I got them printed on matte and thick cardboard too, even I'm impressed. If you want a card it's not too late! Paintings make great gifts.

You can purchase available paintings here:

As for now, I'm working on another large painting here of an indoor chameleon in orange. This is just a work in progress of the base coats, still got a ways to go. Painting still needs a few more coats of orange, shadows, scales and patterns. It is far from done, maybe in a month or 2.

Hm, as for now, thanks for reading! Feel free to comment and or question anything else you want to know about me and my work. 

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