Item 1:
Saturday, August 18: yART SALE
11am - 6pm
530 Euclid by Bathurst and Harbord
Toronto, ON.
Paintings, astronaut prints, art, stuff, baked goods, lemonade, knick knacks of various sorts, and rumor of some ArtMichaeling.
Produced by Hello Community! Enterprises.
Nothing says high class like marker on neon bristol.

2nd day of yART SALE. I regret not bringing my camera to capture the bass recorder flute player from the first day. The lemonade stand is up and running there though.
Great marketing goes a long way.
Astronaut station courtesy of Red 3.
First sale of the day! This was encouraging. Go Team. All Astronaut proceeds went towards spaceship repairs for further future galaxy adventure rides.
Hello Thomas Jeferson.
Classic, Canadian, homegrown, one of a kind, original yART arrangement style.
Stylized in an east meets west meets north meets south infusion style mix of patterns, colours, functions, and delight. I regret not documenting the antique cell phone that went overnight for $0.
AMG lives!
Thank you Hello Community! Enterprises.
We'll be hosting a September 29 & 30 edition, weather permitting.
Stay tuned for more details.
Thursday, August 24 - Sunday, September 10: Black & White Art Exhibit
Ben Navaee Gallery
1107 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON M4M 1K7
Hours: 1 - 5pm daily or by appointment
416 466 3996 or 416 999 1030
A painting, of mostly black and white, quite terrifying actually.
Item 3:
Thursday, August 30: Back To School !
Item 4:
Saturday, September 1 & 2: Artists For ASD Art Show & Fundraiser
Berkeley Castle Courtyard 250 The Esplanade Toronto, ON M5A 1J2
hours TBA
Paintings, astronaut prints, art, stuff, and charity.
Someone got the painting depicted there already at the yART sale : ( I'll have a brand new batch of exotic animals in distress there though, plus a bunch more. Pet with your eyes, not with your hands!
Item 5:
Friday, September 7: noon - 6pm, Saturday, September 8: 10am - 6pm & Sunday, September 9: 10am - 6pm: Cabbagetown Festival Art Around The Park
North side Winchester Street East from Sumach across from Riverdale Park.
Toronto, ON
Booth #: TBA
Co-Sponsored by Max db Art
Item 6:
Friday, September 14 - Friday, October 12: Hammer City Super Crawl
Hammer City Records
228 James St. N. Basement @ Rear Off Robert St.
Hamilton, ON.
1 905 546 7869
Monday - Thursday: 12 - 6
Friday: 12 - 8
Saturday - Sunday: 12 - 5
A Blown Up Piece Of The Record Store Drawing
Courtesy of The Spooky Astronauts Drawing Club
(All projects sponsored by my parents unless stated otherwise.)