I don't know why I ever stopped writing down things I learned. I figure I'll do it once a year, around spring - summer, annually. Feel free to share yours. I also can't believe I haven't put this on here yet -thanks again to Ryan Ringer:
10 new things 2010/20111. Assess, assess, assess.
2. Canada has a more racist past than I previously thought.
3. I’ve been a Spooky Astronaut much longer than I realize.
4. The color blue in my paint dries about four, what I like to
call, “microshades” darker than when it is wet.
5. Success and happiness are two entirely different things.
6. “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” -Buddhist Proverb
7. Leeches can be used to improve blood flow after surgery.
8. Knowledge is power.
9. Smoking gives me a throbbing headache, vaporizing doesn’t.
10. Rene Magritte lived until 68, produced 1,300 paintings.
Salvador Dali lived until 84, produced 1,500 paintings.
Grandma Moses lived until 101, produced 1,600 paintings.
Pablo Picasso lived until 91, produced 1,885 paintings.
I gotta try to stay healthy, I got a lotta work to do.