Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This thursday (June 25th) me N
my art MIGHT bee on tea V. Show's
called OUR TORONTO. Airs at 9pm.
(I had someone come by the Riverdale
Artwalk to interview this boy who got
one of my paintings for his birthday! I
really hope it airs.)

Monday, June 8, 2009


lisangart.com is working again. always renew your domain name and website plan before it expires is the lesson i've just learned.


Disappearing Paintings

HEAR are a few paintings I sold but wasn't able to blog
or add to website yet. Butt I'll put them here for general
public consumption in the meantime.

Painting That Looks At You:

Painting contains several friends including John ,who
some say, looks a lot like Jesus.

Fruit That Consumes You:

I drew a vision of this when I was 12? But didn't think
to do a painting of it until recently.

Bitten Apple:

Depicts a humble hobo fairy whose made a moderate
and happy home for himself in a bitten apple.


tHank Q friends who made me a birthday card. I hope
your goody bags were filled with both practical and
unpractical treats. Here are some both fun and creepy
Birthday cards I received:
coming a few days later from David Ng, I LOVE
the gold leaf:

from John Barry and the mysteriously renown Pablo

from Anam Ahmed. Terrific use of bubble wrap:

from Marco Boerner. who reassured me had used a model
and that the blood was fake:

from Sam B. EXCELLENT deetale:


aT the last show I exhibited a suggestion box.
Chosen suggestions get idea credit on the
back of painting. Here are some prize

art show PICKS


mE sneering into the sun:

done setting up:

my bro who helped:

people looking:

table for merch:

bfa degree on discount: