Wednesday, October 29, 2008




An academic presentation of collected works from Toronto's Artmichael represented. Artmichael Gallery was founded in January, 2008 by Eddie Carmichael, Jon Guglioni, Lisa Ng, Brent Loftus and John Barry. Representing twelve artists worldwide, Artmichael is regarded as a pioneer in the industry of non-commercialized visual academia.The Major Metropolitan Classic will show some of the greatest works Artmichael has to offer at prices unbeatable. We invite you to join us for a joyous occassion of art, music, wine and cheer. If you have already attended an Artmichael opening, we welcome you back for another great night.Regards,The AMG Staff

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I have a portrait up at work. My understanding is that it will be up there
for a month. So I guess it will be up for October. It's of Andrew who is
the most recent recipient of the Superperson Of The Month award.

375 University Ave.
M5G 2J5
416 598 4818

It's been up for a week already so I probably won't get an official
opening with snacks and all that but I'm opening the store tommorrow
so that's some kind of opening. If you happen to check it out, bring
me a snack, I'm usually pretty hungry at work.

live N pro$per


Monday, October 13, 2008

Charity Art Auction I'm In

These are the two pieces you can get for donating your
$$$$$$ to the Centre For Addiction And Mental Health:

Coffee & Donuts:


It's a win-win situation.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Artmichael Gallery's Nuit Blanche
Equinox Harvest Dance was a smash.
Show included work by represented
artists including a ground breaking
performance piece by the illustrious
John Barry of himself sleeping on his
couch. Unfourtunately I left before that
so I didn't get a good a picture of it. But
in my opinion the show stopper was
the Cartmichael (also by John Barry)
shown here:

Work by Brent Loftus:

Artmichael Gallery cheques to be prizes:

The gallery's kitchen: