Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Friendship Is.. Collage: Oil Stick, Glitter, Fun Fur On Board

A few months ago I stumbled upon an
organization that was putting together
an art auction to benefit the The Leukemia
and Lymphoma Society of Canada. With
so much art kicking around in my bedroom
collecting dust, I hoped to give a piece
up for adoption, maybe someone else
can benefit from it. This ones about an
incident I had with a friend after we had
too much rum to drink one night. It
seemed to define our friendship.

Saturday, April 26, 2008 7pm to
Sunday, April 27, 2008 2:30am
Peridot Resto Lounge
81 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario
Cover $10

All proceeds go to The Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society of Canada

Sunday, April 20, 2008


So what's the point of art school? I'm really not sure.
It's a good reason to play with paints and move out
I guess. But one good thing that came out of it that I
am SURE OF was that that was where I met Matt Mincoff.
Matt's this awesome chilled out dude who runs a
skateshop out in Waterdown. He's decided to hold an
art show/charity auction there. Above is the flyer
for it. It's called Friends Make Friends Wear Helmets.
Each artist gets a helmet to do whatever they want
with donated by some people who make helmets,
and all proceeds of helmet sales go to the Ontario
Brain Injury Association. Good people, good stuff,
good cause, how awesome is that.?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Great Invasion Of Time:
I've been having a lot of time lately to notice how time can creep
up on you and it can't be stoppped. Whether I'm busy or not, it's
this awesome powerful force where no matter how often you
sweep your floors, the dust just settles back in.
This scene takes place in my current bedroom, the naked lady
is an Egon Schiele poster I picked up in Spain and the other
hanging picture was given to me from a highschool English
teacher who much resembles Robin Williams in The Dead Poet's

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Well the Grand Primo Show at ArtMichaels was a hit. Thanks all
for coming out. Here are some random pictures. What a day. I
barely slept that night, maybe it was from a day of intoxication
or the collision of stars. Ps: If anyone has that picture of Eddie
Carmichael passed out with a Grand Primo prize pinned to him,
let me know. As for me, a new day starts tommorrow with a book
on the history of China.